
8 yard Dumpster = $350/ 7 Days 

10 yard Dumpster = $350/ 7 Days

12 yard Dumpster = $375/ 7 Days

15 yard Dumpster = $400/ 7 Days

20 yard Dumpster = $475/ 7 Days


*Rental Includes removal of up to 2 tons of debris which must all fall within the parameters of our terms and conditions.

Delivery Terms & Conditions

  • Regional Roll-Off is not responsible for property damage due to placement or pickup of our containers.
  • Our drivers have the right to deny placement due to safety and/or damage concerns.
  • Lawns and driveways/sidewalks can get damaged from the weight of the container/truck.
  • Our drivers reserve the right not to place on soft surfaces due to rain/inclement weather. They can get stuck.
  • Customer is responsible for any tow truck fees and an hourly wait time until the truck is freed, unstuck and able to operate again.
  • We are not liable for property damage done to property not owned by you.
  • We will not deliver if we cannot perform our service on your property or public property.
  • You must have a property damage liability waiver form signed by the property owner, before we will attempt to place across property lines.
  • Once our containers have been placed, DO NOT MOVE THEM.
  • If the can has been moved, you agree to be liable for all associated property damages, move, or clean up fees after.
  • Customer is responsible for the dumpster while in the customer’s possession.
  • Any vandalism or graffiti to the dumpster is also the customer’s responsibility.
  • If you damage our equipment/dumpsters while loading it or with machines loading the dumpster you will be liable and charged for any damages, including theft repairs, or replacement costs of the dumpster.
  • You may be required to have a parking permit/license by your local municipality. 
  • Regional Roll-Off is not liable for any fines or citations as a result of your non-compliance with local ordinances, and you by signing this ticket agree to comply with all local ordinances, and are liable for any citations/fines.


Payment, Pick-Up & Loading Terms & Conditions •


  • OVERAGES: Any additional weight after the weight limit will automatically charged a prorated amount of $90 per 1 ton over the allowed weight limit. Example: if you rented a 15 yard dumpster with a 2 ton limit, but your load weighed 2.45 tons, you would be charged 0.45 x 90 = $40.50
  • The container is your responsibility while in your possession until the time we pick up. We accept no liability for the contents of the container. Please adhere to the following loading procedures.
  • Do Not Load materials above the top of the container. Overloaded cans may be left on site for you to dispose of. Overload containers will be charged a fee of $150.00 to the card on file.
  • Mattresses and Box Springs are an additional $35 per piece.
  • We will not accept any of the following materials: Asbestos (without prior approval and manifest), Liquids (Paints, Oils, Gas, Pesticides, Cleaners or Solvents), Haz-Mats, Tires, Freon Containing Devices, Batteries, Chemicals, Oil/Gas/Propane bottles or tanks, Creosote Lumber (without prior approval and pricing), and/or Explosives. You are responsible for all material placed in the container, by you or other parties. Any materials listed above may subject the can to rejection and/or additional fees.
  • No Refrigerators or Freezers – these contain freon and are not accepted by the dump. There will be a $250 fee for each of these.
  • Dirt Only – No other material can be in with the container. Dirt must be level across the container. 15 yard container can only be filled up to 10 tons (this is roughly halfway full). This is for D.O.T. purposes.
  • Concrete Only – The same rules apply to dirt containers above. Wire mesh or re-bar is an extra fee.
  • Metal Only – No other material, no car parts, or hazmat covered material. Gas/Oil Tanks or drums & appliances have special procedures, call our office for details. Do not load the container above the top.
  • Brush Only – No other material but brush or unfinished wood. No creosote, varnished, pressure treated, or painted wooden material will be accepted as a brush only load.
  • NO use of Mechanical Compaction equipment are permitted to be used in our containers. Customer is responsible for any and all damages not limited to a full replacement of the container. 
  • There will be $175 fee plus the cost of any damages if any compaction equipment is used in our containers.

* Any materials that would exclude these loads: dirt/concrete/metal/brush ONLY cans,

 will be subject to full price + the tonnage.


Pickup Terms & Conditions

  • Please call us if you finish with the container earlier than expected. You MUST have the area around and in front of the dumpster clear of any debris, snow, ice, or anything else including vehicles that could cause the driver from not being able to access the dumpster for removal. Dumpsters blocked in will be charged a dry run fee of $150.00.
  • Wait times – if the dumpster is not ready when we arrive, there will be a $2/minute charge while our driver waits.
  • It is the customers responsibility to call when finished with the dumpster. A $10.00 per day charge will accessed after 10 days until customer calls and has the dumpster removed. CUSTOMER MUST CALL OFFICE FOR REMOVAL.
  • Over Weight Tickets are the responsibility of the customer, we will notify you if the can is overweight.

Payment Terms & Conditions

  • All outstanding balances are subject to a Net 15 day payment, and 2% per month on outstanding balances owed YDS, Inc. over 30 days. Customer agrees to pay all legal / collection fees accrued in conjunction with the collection of these outstanding debts. Customer is responsible for all credit extended by us on account by any person authorized by you.
  • YDS, Inc. is not responsible for any verbal contracts, bindings or agreements made by its drivers, or agents. This ticket and its terms and conditions are the binding authority between you and YDS, Inc.
  • Credit Card payments/backups are subject to automatic authorization of related fees/charges.

© Regional Rolloff All rights reserved


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